Michael Irene is a data and information governance practitioner based in London, United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, and can be reached via moshoke@yahoo.com; twitter: @moshoke

Given the state of current technological increase and the clear indication of how companies will depend heavily on the use of more

I just gave a talk on the above at the Gartner IT Symposium Expo in Barcelona last Tuesday. In my presentation, I made it clear about

The chief product director (CPO) of Sunny and Sons Co. Ltd. completed the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for the payment

Quite often there is the question raised by stakeholders about the return on investment for data privacy implementation. There is so

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In an orchestra, the tenors, the drummers, the flautists, and other members make up the show. Without one function the presentation

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  A fintech company wants to be ahead in the future, that is, they want to be able to predict the market, understand their

To many business owners who collect card details, there are many reasons why they wouldn’t consider being Payment Card Industry Data

Regardless of the global economic times we are in where companies exchange data on a massive scale, there is still the need for