BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Motivation is the catalyst that spurns employees’ eagerness to work in a formal setting without pressure.

BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Human resource is the most important asset of any corporate organisation. Human resource is the set of

BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Leadership skills and managerial abilities are not easy to differentiate in a business environment

BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Ever since the establishment of trade, that is the beginning of exchange of goods for goods, called

BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour of people, according to the American Psychological

BY: OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE The Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) defined marketing as “the management process which identifies,

BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE In the business world, change is the only constant phenomenon! The business world is the most dynamic

Developing nations are characterised by lower income generation than developed countries. They have a comparatively poor standard of

BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Olufemi Adedamola Oyedele, MPhil. Construction Management, managing director/CEO, Fame Oyster & Co.

BY OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Olufemi Adedamola Oyedele, MPhil. Construction Management, managing director/CEO, Fame Oyster & Co.