Water and Africa’s future in global affairs (3)

Crisis hotspots and Africa’s security (5)

CONSIDERATIONS FOR WATER have become central to almost all aspects of life with the increasing cross-cutting relevance and impacts. The complexity involved is such that water has now come to be seen beyond the traditional and conventional, beyond mere commodity and beyond just a commonly-found natural resource. It is becoming clear that this complexity around […]

Water and Africa’s future in global affairs (2) 

Crisis hotspots and Africa’s security (5)

 PUBLIC POLICIES ON WATER all over the world are becoming a central theme. Experiences with water are varied and diverse in different parts of the world. Some experiences prevalent in the tropics are not necessarily found in the temperate regions. The nature of urbanisation and demographic dynamics also account for the variations in the observations […]

Challenges of automating IGR processes for subnationals

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

Boosting automation of IGR processes undoubtedly improves taxpayer compliance and revenue growth. Digital technologies and the complementary data-driven intelligence infrastructure create efficiency in virtually all sectors and systems introduced. Increased expansion of the underlying digital infrastructure often results in more than proportionate increases in the resulting benefits. In the case of the IGR, automated processes […]

Water and Africa’s future in global affairs (1)

Crisis hotspots and Africa’s security (5)

SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE’S poetic rendition in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is proving to be a poem not only restricted to the man on a sea voyage. It may be having a wider ramification in relevance now based on the ubiquity of its application in real life experiences outside sea voyage. It may have […]

Who cares about tax incentives?

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

In providing favourable deviations from the extant and the general operational tax policies, governments usually expect specific actions or investments in return from the benefiting taxpayers. Theoretically speaking, the idea of tax incentives is sometimes comparable to price discounts aimed at spurring more than proportional quantity demand increases. Yet, it is deployable by governments to […]

How supply chain laundering hurts Africa (2)

Crisis hotspots and Africa’s security (5)

MULTILATERAL TRADING SYSTEM has undergone unprecedented transformation, the volume of trade has grown exponentially and the diversity of goods traded has widened in scope of since the World Trade Organisation (WTO) became operational. In particular, the last two decades have been a period of phenomenal growths in volumes and values of traded commodities since the […]

How supply chain laundering hurts Africa (1)

Crisis hotspots and Africa’s security (5)

COUNTRIES WITH ECONOMIES that are predominantly commodities-based need to take this rather seriously. Africa is well endowed with commodities. Those at the lower rungs of the ladder and are at the weaker points in value chains should be worried about their future in such economic circumstances. African countries are squarely within this bracket and so […]

Effective tax dispute resolution

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

Tax dispute resolution is core to effective tax administration and internally generated revenue expansion by further clarifying and interpreting applicable tax laws and how the implementation of those rules should be within the bounds of fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law. By strengthening taxpayers’ trust in the tax administration, higher levels of tax compliance […]

Is Africa about to implode? (5)

Crisis hotspots and Africa’s security (5)

POST-COLONIAL AFRICA IS ENTERING A NEW PHASE historically, socio-politically and economically. Many events unfolding in recent times bear eloquent witness to this fact. Countries within the continent are faced with existential challenges such as food security, social security, economic security, climate change and health challenges. Almost all of these challenges are traceable to bad leadership, […]