Claims procedure
Francis EwheridoMay 7, 2018
The main reason individuals and corporate bodies take up insurance is that if the peril insured against occurs, they would be restored to the financial position they were before the fortuitous event. In insurance, we refer to this act as the principle of indemnity. But before the financial restoration takes place, there are laid down […]
Sustaining agriculture and food security in Africa through innovation
Olukayode OyeleyeMay 7, 2018
African continent presents stark contrasts in socio-economic contexts. In these contexts are embedded contradictions and crises associated with development, wealth creation and well-being on a continental scale. In food production and consumption, the current realities remain worrisome. This is despite the enormous potential in agriculture that remains to be unlocked. With a landmass of about […]
Comprehensive motor insurance policy conditions and exceptions
Francis EwheridoApril 30, 2018
I went for presentation some time ago. In the course of the presentation, I told my audience that if their drivers stole their vehicles, they were not entitled to any remedies, even if the vehicle was comprehensively insured. Uproar followed; all my attempts to explain to them fell on deaf ears. “It’s daylight robber” was […]
Surmounting the hurdles in Africa’s cotton and textile industry (3)
Olukayode OyeleyeApril 30, 2018
Te perspective for growth in the hydrocarbon-based alternative to cotton can only get better. This is against the backdrop that the rising demand for clothing materials may stretch cotton supply to the limit. Despite the discovery of this substitute, cotton still continues to be highly relevant as the demand for natural fibres continues to increase […]
Surmounting the hurdles in Africa’s cotton and textile industry (2)
Olukayode OyeleyeApril 23, 2018
Africa’s trade relation with the rest of the world, as it is presently, is awkward. It got worse in recent times, particularly in the manufacturing sector due to some powerful external factors. China’s highly competitive manufacturing sector has devastated many smaller-scale rivals across Africa, Asia and Latin America in the course of implementing Beijing’s global […]
Motor insurance, beware of fakes
Francis EwheridoApril 22, 2018
Motor insurance is the most widely patronized insurance in Nigeria. This is not surprising because it is one of the six compulsory insurances in Nigeria. Specifically, the Motor Vehicles (Third Party) Insurance Act of 1945, which took effect from 1st April 1950, makes it an offence for anybody to use a motor vehicle on the […]
The insurance broker
Francis EwheridoApril 17, 2018
Like the insurance industry, the insurance broker has been grossly misunderstood and understated. A couple of times, friends and acquaintances have sent me share certificates to assist them to dematerialise or help them sort out one problem or the other. I usually educate them on the difference between an insurance broker and a stockbroker, before directing […]
Surmounting hurdles in Africa’s cotton, textile industry
Olukayode OyeleyeApril 16, 2018
Africa is a continent with many challenges and many opportunities. There is, however, a bright silver lining around the clouds in Africa’s horizon, and bright prospects as the future beckons. In agriculture, Africa has a strong competitive edge as it holds 60 percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land, holding the key for production of […]