ONOME AMUGE IN LAGOS The price of gold has been on a sparkling run in 2024, increasing by 12 percent year-to-date. However, contrary

ROGER SILK is the chief executive officer of Sterling Foundation Management, LLC, a leading provider of charitable planning solutions

Business a.m. Nigeria’s foreign reserves have received an infusion of $5 million and the rural economy has been rejuvenated with an

World Animal Protection, an organisation dedicated to animal welfare, has expressed its support for the G7 Summit Presidency’s Apulia

Business a.m. The Oyo State Ministry of Environment has approved the operational licenses of three companies, Sabi, Nectar Fresh, and

Onome Amuge KPMG has highlighted the need for Nigeria to consider membership in key international mining organisations to improve its

Onome Amuge Nigeria, the second-largest tomato producer in Africa and 12th in the world,according to the National Horticultural

Onome Amuge The informal sector in Africa plays a vital role in ensuring food security, employment opportunities, and livelihoods,

Business a.m. Johnvents Industries Limited, one of Nigeria’s largest cocoa processing facilities, has been granted a $23.3 million

  Clears 12,000 ha for rice, cassava, maize, wheat  To engage 4,000 as onboarding out-growers  Ben Eguzozie, in Calabar Cross