BY CHARLES ABUEDE American technology giant, Apple Inc., recorded its highest quarterly revenues in five years when it posted $123.9

Consumer electronics giant Apple is finding itself in a whole new race after last Thursday, when its share price rose to $207, making

Apple, makers of globally popular iPhone, iPad and iPod and smart watches, made history on Thursday when it became the world’s

Samsung Electronics said on Thursday that its energy sources would be 100 percent clean by 2020 as it plans on fulfilling its energy

The only things more impressive than Apple’s financial numbers are the products that generated them. For a company routinely slagged

Tim Cook, Apple Inc. chief executive has called for future internet and AI technologies to be infused with privacy, security and

Tim Cook, Apple Inc’s chief executive said developers using its platform in China number 1.8 million and have earned a total 112

On Tuesday, Tim Cook, Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer will take the stage for the first time in the Steve Jobs Theater at its new

Apple Inc will build a $1.375 billion data center in Waukee near Des Moines, Apple and Iowa officials said on Thursday, with $207.8

Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook has spoken out after the London Bridge terror attacks, saying that Apple has provided the UK authorities