Olufemi Adedamola Oyedele, MPhil. in Construction Management, managing director/CEO, Fame Oyster & Co. Nigeria, is an expert in real estate investment, a registered estate surveyor and valuer, and an experienced construction project manager. He can be reached on +2348137564200 (text only) or femoyede@gmail.com

Businesses are built on relationships, especially relationships between a business owner and his customers. The better your business

 The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as the activity, institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,

Many business owners wish to establish a business but some end up establishing a ‘feature’. A business is a going concern; while a

Several sources have indicated that employee performance appraisals were invented by Walter D. Scott of WD Scott & Co, Sydney,

The major objectives of businesses include getting their works, products, goods or services (outputs) to end-users that value them.

High unemployment, insecurity, high foreign exchange rate and lack of electricity are some of the banes of business development in

Motivation is the reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way. Motivation is the catalyst that spurns

Businesses are hubs of making profit through taking different types of risks. All businesses generally involve either extracting goods

Culture is a very important factor in project success. The principles, policies and practices that work in a developed country like

In “Why Politics and Business Don’t Mix”, Steve Tobak, an executive management staff at Cyrix, a Dallas-based microprocessor company,