Why do we fine banks lots of money for doing bad things? The fines are more or less paid by the shareholders, and it’s not like

The latest rumors are that Donald Trump may be bringing Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie onto his White House staff. This is …

The Nigerian megacity of Lagos, with its 20 million inhabitants, is the biggest in sub-Saharan Africa and is celebrating its 50th

Since the ascent to power of US President Donald Trump, two discussion topics have become increasingly popular: whether or not the man

Tunisia and Kenya recently joined the ranks of African countries banning the use of plastic bags – but poor waste management and

By Anthony Aziegbemi, PhD, Econs The 2017 Budget, known as the budget of growth and recovery is designed not only to get the country

As Shakespeare said, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” But could it be that

On Wednesday, May 24, President John ‘The Bulldozer’ Magufuli fired Minister of Energy and Minerals Sospeter Muhongo, Energy Ministry

From the first days of China’s Internet, one of the biggest gripes of China’s tech entrepreneurs has been that Western

Africa is poor, but we can try to help its people. It’s a simple statement, repeated through a thousand images, newspaper