By Jessica Posner Odede   NAIROBI – Today, 1.4 billion girls and women live in countries that are failing on gender equality, in

By Tania Masi, Roberto Ricciuti,  Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen   MANCHESTER – With objectives as far-reaching as ending poverty

By Gordon Brown     EDINBURGH – SINCE THE UNITED Kingdom’s Department of International Development (DFID) was created 22

By Mahmoud Mohiedin & Carolina Sanchez-Paramo     NEW YORK – THE WORLD has made impressive strides in reducing extreme

By Ifeanyi M. Nsofor     ABUJA – A new malaria vaccine now being piloted in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 90% of malaria cases

By Ibitoye Segun Emmanuel   IBADAN, NIGERIA – Nearly every country has some way to go to achieve gender equality and empower all

By Jörg Reinhardt   ZURICH – Virtually every country worldwide has committed to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) by

By Howard Davies     LONDON – Banking supervision teams at the Bank of England “now receive the equivalent of twice the

By Usman Ali Lawan   KEFFI, NIGERIA – In the rural village of Kura in Kano State, Nigeria, where I grew up, my grandfather would

By Asha George, Amnesty LeFevre & Rajani Ved   CAPE TOWN – Digital technology is revolutionizing our daily lives. Mobile