
The growth in property prices stalled in July, latest data from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics) revealed today

Last time Theresa May, British Prime Minister returned from a walking holiday, she called what turned out to be — for her

HSBC Holdings Plc isn’t plastering Heathrow with its “world’s local bank” tagline anymore, but a Brexit-battered pound and a political

After multiple terror attacks, a snap election with a surprise result, and a devastating fire in London, UK officials had plenty on

Since Britain voted to leave the European Union over a year ago, millions of EU citizens living in the U.K. and over a million British

The British Government has published plans Wednesday to push for a bill that would give it the legal power to impose sanctions after

The U.K. could lose up to half of its investment banking jobs over the next few years if the government continues to pursue a

Data in the coming week should confirm the euro zone economy is running hot, after the IMF upgraded growth forecasts and Greece

Once Britain recovered from the worst of the crippling damage done by the financial crisis, the economy started to tick along at a

Optimism is souring around small-cap stocks for some investors, with a host of factors conspiring to up-end gains that have taken them