Michael Irene is a data and information governance practitioner based in London, United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, and can be reached via moshoke@yahoo.com; twitter: @moshoke

The notion of accountability in the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation places unencumbered pressures on data protection experts,

Deletion is a notable piece of privacy compliance strategy and most organisations struggle to tackle it. Tackling this particular task

Chukwu starts his day by checking texts and emails, then scrolls through Twitter on his way to work, and posts a picture of himself on

The new Nigerian Data Protection Regulation addresses both local and international companies. Yet, some international companies in

The European General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) is two years old. The regulation has, thus far, survived and continues to thrive

It is clear to say that we are in an era of massive digitisation. Every business knows that digitising their business process is the

It is interesting to reflect on the purposes of a Nigerian Data Protection Compliance Organisation(DPCO), and in particular what value

There seems to be a rush to create online businesses as the pandemic reveals the obsolete processes present in most companies. Many

E-learning revolutionised the way teaching and learning is done. It depends on computer-based technologies—laptops, the internet, etc

I attended a webinar organised by some American privacy professionals. We discussed how various governments approach privacy