Tracking methodologies and data privacy implications

Shaping our habits with magical recommender systems’ suggestions

Covid, in its wake, brought a new way of doing things. Companies, shops, hotels developed new ways to monitor temperatures to consider whether an individual is worth further investigation or is worth entering into a building. Yet, these organisations fail to consider the data privacy implications of these tracking methodologies. We are in a new […]

The role of procurement process in data privacy governance

Shaping our habits with magical recommender systems’ suggestions

The role of procurement in data privacy governance is critical to any organisation’s data privacy framework. Yet, most stakeholders fail to set rigorous standards in their procurement methodology. That neglect and that lack of rigour multiplies companies’ vulnerabilities. Procurement process helps organisation make sure there is, in the first place, value for money without unacceptable […]

Information management in today’s economy

Shaping our habits with magical recommender systems’ suggestions

In today’s economy, information management seemingly seems to present various challenges due to unprecedented shifts from paper-based information to electronic information. The implications of this new norm in today’s economy presents a sense of advantageous move into a better world where everything can be done from the tip of one’s fingers and, on the flip […]

A note on accepting cookies and privacy notices

Shaping our habits with magical recommender systems’ suggestions

A World Economic report opines that personal data is the new oil. As such, companies want to generate this “new oil” in massive amounts and by any means. This means that for every individual that comes to any company, there is the tendency for that company to squeeze out massive amount of data. Emeka visits […]