Human interactions with each other depend on communication, which can either be verbal or non-verbal. Communication approaches are

The federal government of Nigeria needs to start thinking seriously about starting a nuclear atomic energy project of the future.

Among the largest challenges posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the alarming threat to food security. How are governments

Meet Britain’s new chancellor of the exchequer. He’s rather odd _____________________________________________ A maiden speech in the

BY MARCEL OKEKE Marcel Okeke, a practising economist and consultant in Business Strategy & Sustainability based in Lagos, is a

BY CHARLES IYORE Charles Iyore, a partner at DNA Capital, writes from Darenth Kent, England. He can be reached by email at

BY SUNNY CHUBA NWACHUKWU  Sunny Nwachukwu (Loyal Sigmite), PhD, a pure and applied chemist with an MBA in management, is an Onitsha

BY SOLA ONI Sola Oni, an integrated communications strategist, Chartered Stockbroker and Commodities Broker, is the Chief Executive

By Francis Kokutse, in Accra, Ghana  Francis Kokutse is a journalist based in Accra and writes for Associated Press (AP), University

BY SUNNY CHUBA NWACHUKWU Sunny Nwachukwu (Loyal Sigmite), PhD, a pure and applied chemist with an MBA in management, is an Onitsha