Beware! your digital device can be a source of fake news
Businessam Staff
June 28, 2017

Today’s digital devices and social networks deliver so much information that even the savviest consumer cannot evaluate all of it. We seem to be living in a version of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where truth is drowned in a sea of irrelevance. But the future need not be the dystopia that the present seems […]
OMG Digital, the “BuzzFeed of Africa,” raises a seed round of $1.1M
Businessam Staff
June 27, 2017

Dominic Mensah, Prince Boakye Boampong, and Jesse Arhin Ghansah, the founders of OMG Digital OMG Digital, the Ghana-based media startup dubbed the “BuzzFeed of Africa,” announced today that it has raised $1.1 million in seed funding. Its main site, OMG Voice, already has versions for Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya, and the new capital will be […]
First home in Britain to be sold over Facebook with live viewing hosted by homeowner
Businessam Staff
June 20, 2017

A three-bedroom semi-detached bungalow in Rainham is to be the first home in Britain to be sold over Facebook. The East London property is being sold by home owner Shanty Helim, and is currently valued at between £470,000 and £475,000. Viewers will be able to see inside the house via a Facebook Live stream, and […]
5 things you probably don’t know about online privacy
Businessam Staff
June 20, 2017

Increasingly connected modern lifestyles have brought us real tangible benefits, such as convenience and more information about ourselves than we know what to do with. However, this has also changed our view on privacy, and according to the World Economic Forum, it has impacted many people’s trust in the organizations and tools behind the numerous […]
11 WhatsApp features you might not know
Businessam Staff
June 17, 2017

Whether you’re just starting to use WhatsApp or years-long addict, you’re probably missing out on a few of these helpful, hidden features. 1. Format message text on demand WhatsApp lets you bold, italicize or strike through text on the fly. To do so, you’ll need to add a couple of special characters before and after […]
App marketing – avoiding the biggest mistakes
Businessam Staff
June 9, 2017

The consumer marketplace is wholly in love with mobile apps. The advent of the mobile economy has fundamentally changed not only how we shop, but the way we live and interact. The impact of Apps We use apps to learn what’s happening in the world and to share our opinions with friends, family, anyone who […]
Apple’s latest iPhone ad is a love note to Earth
Businessam Staff
June 8, 2017

Apple’s newest ad features an array of short clips, shot on iPhone by regular users, underscored by the calming voice of astronomer Carl Sagan. The crisp and clear clips — of forests, beaches, and mountains, of insects and birds — serve to advertise the smartphone’s camera, certainly, but the choice of natural imagery and Carl […]