In what may have compounded Nigeria’s energy crisis, India, the country’s largest importer of crude oil, reported a 60% slump in

imf The International Monetary Fund has said Nigeria’s oil and gas exports are expected to fall by at least $26.5bn this year as a

Nigeria has not stopped producing crude oil but a persistent crash in oil prices may lead to a halt in production, the Nigerian

The federal government has in the past two to three days paid over N200bn for power supply in Nigeria,Mele Kyari,  the group managing

  The international oil benchmark, Brent crude, wobbled on Monday, despite the historic oil production cut deal sealed by the

  Nigeria may earn about $10.61bn from crude oil sales between May and December this year following latest decision by members and

African oil producing nations will experience a financial boost following global oil production slash that sees total world production

By Moses Obajemu Nigeria’s hope of raking in a $2.8 billion largesse from its sale of crude oil following last week’s Organisation of

The NNPC Retail Ltd., one of the downstream subsidiaries of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), has clarified that all

From July to December, overall production cuts will lower to 8 million barrels per day, followed by 6 million barrels per day from