Dr. Lanre Towry-Coker, FRIBA, FNIA, MA Law (UL), Ph.D, a former commissioner for housing in Lagos State, with a doctorate from Lagos State University, is founder of Towry-Coker Associates since 1976, and a professional architect with a postgraduate qualification in Architecture from the University of North East London. He had his professional training at the world famous Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in the United Kingdom (ACI.Arb.); a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Architects (FNIA), he was elected Fellow of The Royal Institute of British Architects, (founded 1834), in November 2016, and is one of only forty architects worldwide to be so honoured. He is also the author of the book, “Housing Policy And The Dynamics Of Housing Delivery In Nigeria: Lagos State As Case Study” published by Makeway Publishers, and available on Amazon and also at The Royal Institute of British Architects, Portland Place. London.

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His consortium, Towry-Coker Associates/Neue Heimat Abuja Consortium, was also one of the master planners of the Federal Capital Abuja,

His consortium, Towry-Coker Associates/Neue Heimat Abuja Consortium, was also one of the master planners of the Federal Capital Abuja,