South Africa said Monday it is moving ahead with draft regulations for a domestic trade in rhino horn, despite critics’ concerns

Floods predicted to sweep across most of Nigeria this year may imperil the West African country’s cocoa crop while boosting its rice

Palm oil demand is seen rising on a widening price differential with its rival oilseed soy, spurred by dry weather in the United

Chocolate confectionery sales are expected to rise in Africa, but only slightly higher than the global average, according to

Several African fruit producers and exporters have come together to create the first Pan-African Association, AFRUIBANA, in defense of

The London Metal Exchange is likely to adopt measures including a cut in fees and a charge for over-the-counter trades to try to quell

Silver, known for being a market of extremes, is living up to its reputation this year. Prices rallied 17 percent in the first four

PBC Ltd., the biggest buyer of cocoa beans from farmers in Ghana, is seeking to cut borrowing costs by arranging its first government