Onome Amuge Benchmark Asian iron ore futures witnessed a decline on Monday, as moves by the Chinese authority to reduce steel mills’

Onome Amuge With China taking a leading role in preparing for the UN Food Systems Summit scheduled for the last quarter of this year,

Onome Amuge The United States has withdrawn its plans for a broad import ban on cotton and tomato products from Xianjiang,China. It

BY: Moses olajuwon Obajemu The House of Representatives on Monday said the Chinese loans being availed Nigeria are governed by Chinese

World shares inched higher on Tuesday as investors awaited a speech by President Donald Trump on U.S. trade policy and on news he was

Oil prices fell on Wednesday, pulled down by a larger-than-expected build-up in U.S. crude stocks, after gaining for three straight

Indications have emerged that global maritime trade is on a downward trend. By Samson Echenim The Review of Maritime Transport 2019,

The United States is imposing new sanctions on certain Chinese entities and people who it accuses of knowingly transferring oil from

U.S. president Donald Trump said his administration was “making a lot of progress” with China on Friday, as deputy-level trade talks

Kenneth Afor The Chinese government is releasing pork from its stockpiles today to help ease surging prices ahead of the celebration