…Africans to bear the greatest brunt Ben Eguzozie, with agency report At least 800 million rural family members around the world are

…completed 405 projects in 4 states in 8 years Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC) and its joint venture partners, the Nigerian National

The United Kingdom on Tuesday  approved steroid dexamethasone for immediate treatment of Covid-19 patients after the drug

  While many enterprises had developed and implemented business continuity plans during this pandemic, most employers would still

  With the coronavirus pandemic leading to the closure of restaurants and bars‭, ‬so-called cloud kitchens have emerged as a food

Coronavirus to leave legacy of fintech and consolidation for Gulf banks Banks in the GCC are turning to consolidation and financial

Covid-19, along with the related disruptions to the movement of goods and people, has compounded the challenges facing globalisation.

In emerging markets, limited ICT infrastructure can compound the challenges of remote working amid coronavirus-related social

The federal government says the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the globe has attacked all its revenue sources. Lai Mohammed, the minister

By Omobayo Azeez The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) has extended deadlines for recapitalization of insurance companies in