BY OXFORD BUSINESS GROUP As insurance companies prepare for the most significant change in global accounting standards in close to two

BY OXFORD BUSINESS GROUP More than two years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, many emerging markets are still dealing with

BY OXFORD BUSINESS GROUP Emerging markets are exploring opportunities to help meet the EU’s energy demand following the

BY OXFORD BUSINESS GROUP As governments across Africa look to bolster the economic potential of small and medium-sized enterprises

By Oxford Business Group   Cryptocurrency uptake continued to grow exponentially in 2021 Emerging nations led the world in terms

What role do you expect technology to play in Ghana’s insurance sector going forward? KELI GADZEKPO: The more retail-oriented the

While global investment is expected to fall sharply this year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, impact investment – the funding

By Oxford Business Group Covid-19 dealt a body blow to the global travel industry,  but there are signs that a recovery is slowly

By Oxford Business Group As governments around the world continue to grapple with the eco- nomic and health impacts of the coronavirus

By Oxford Business Group   Around the world, national and municipal governments have been deploying smart city technology in the