Nokia has disclosed that its net loss widened in 2017, but that underlying profits improved, enabling the Finnish mobile phone maker

Back when African countries were auctioning off mobile licenses by the boatload to serve the region’s young, tech-savvy population,

A new mobile solar electricity service, the Y’ello Box, has debut in Nigeria to power the lives and businesses of more than one

Want to know the real reason Apple started building the iPhone? Apparently, it was because founder Steve Jobs just “hated this

Have you ever sent a WhatsApp that you immediately regretted? A misplaced declaration of love, or a speedy message fuelled by rage

New technology that can tell who is driving your car has been developed by a Huddersfield company. Digital technology firm Control F1

You might not think your phone will get lost or stolen, but it can happen to anyone. Though you might face that feeling of emptiness

No more hefty bills to contend with From next week holiday goers will no longer be hit with hefty phone bills, thanks to an EU law

New leaked images purported to be the molds used to make the new iPhone models have hit the web, surfacing first on Slashleaks. The