Dr. Olukayode Oyeleye, Business a.m.’s Editorial Advisor, who graduated in veterinary medicine from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, before establishing himself in science and public policy journalism and communication, also has a postgraduate diploma in public administration, and is a former special adviser to two former Nigerian ministers of agriculture. He specialises in development and policy issues in the areas of food, trade and competition, security, governance, environment and innovation, politics and emerging economies.

AS THE WORLD becomes ever more interconnected in so many different ways, the consequences have started to emerge, more especially in

As the squabbles between the United States and China on reciprocal trade come near a crescendo, and certain decisions signal the

THE WORLD’S LARGEST free trade area is now in Africa. This, presumably, is based on the fulfilment of African Union’s time table

Efforts to join back together what was put asunder 135 years ago in the widely acclaimed Berlin Conference have recently got a boost.

THAT Africa is rich in mineral resources is a settled matter. What is not settled is how the continent can tap into these resources in

AGLOBAL CONSENSUS about the strategic importance of Africa to the future of the world seems to be crystalising. From “The hopeless

Within a space of six weeks, two powerful tropical storms have hit the south eastern coast of Africa. The first took days to pummel

TRADE HAS BEEN variously described as a tool for economic development. But this does not happen in a vacuum. From the standpoint of

FOR SO LONG, AFRICA has been at a disadvantage, holding the short end of the global trade stick. Trade surpluses have been more in

EVENTS IN THE PAST couple of weeks point in a clear direction of a Britain that eventually ceases to be a member of the European Union