Dr. Olukayode Oyeleye, Business a.m.’s Editorial Advisor, who graduated in veterinary medicine from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, before establishing himself in science and public policy journalism and communication, also has a postgraduate diploma in public administration, and is a former special adviser to two former Nigerian ministers of agriculture. He specialises in development and policy issues in the areas of food, trade and competition, security, governance, environment and innovation, politics and emerging economies.

TERRORISM AND TERRORISTS have become a global phenomenon. Despite the widespread disapproval of their existence and activities, they

Monthly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East Africa (Kenya & Somalia) Shabaab Al-Mujahideen in Period of February 1st –

FAILED STATES IN AFRICA are now the breeding grounds for agents of destabilisation and instability at national and regional levels.

VIRUNGA VOLCANIC REGION spans across the borders of three countries. These are Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, is clearly now at his wit’s end. His gestures in the past few days were not those of someone who

GLOBALISATION IN THE African context has only changed in form and norm but not structurally since the legendary “discovery” of the

  LEADERS REPRESENTING 44 European countries gathered at the weekend in Prague, capital of Czech Republic, for a symbolic summit

  HOW POLICY, DEVELOPMENT AND humanitarian tasks are carried out in various countries of Africa remain intriguing and astounding.

MALDIVES, A SMALL ISLAND STATE in South Asia with a population of well over half a million people, is at risk. The country, spread

LIGHTS MAY BE GOING OUT in many parts of the continent of Europe in November this year while the United Nations Climate Change