Martin Ike-Muonso, a professor of economics with interest in subnational government IGR growth strategies, is managing director/CEO, ValueFronteira Ltd. He can be reached via email at

Although not readily apparent, a symbiotic relationship exists between science and technology innovation and subnational revenue

One sound subnational PFM practice is regularly reviewing tax rates, tariffs, and fees. Apart from the government, sellers and

Searching taxpayer information from various databases and prioritising their use in demanding tax payments strengthen subnational

All levels of government in Nigeria face unique challenges regarding revenue generation, despite the country’s abundant natural

Crime is a major problem in Nigeria, with the current common issues being insurgency, banditry, kidnapping, and communal clashes.

The challenge of multiple taxes has been part of Nigeria’s history. As early as 1954, when Nigeria became a federating unit, there

Many public officials in Nigeria genuinely work for the country’s and its citizens’ betterment. Sadly, they are in the minority. Those

Tax policies are laws enforced by statutorily approved agencies. Sadly, our weak justice system has created copious avenues for

Many nongovernmental organisations depend almost entirely on grants and donations for their survival. Some reasons adduced include

Nigeria always places enormous importance on export revenue. However, policies promoting non-oil exports gained further momentum in