By Cynthia Ezekwe. The Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) has  partnered with the UK government’s Mobilising Institutional Capital

  By  Ben Eguzozie   2.9% global GDP growth in 2024 India sees biggest growth of 7% US, China to drop 1.0%; 5.1% (2024) Real

By Innocent Obasi The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have

Trade tensions and higher interest rates are slowing the global economy, but not likely to portend sharp downturn, the Organisation

The world carbon gap is declining “at a snail’s pace,” despite apparent investment benefit of effective carbon

Oil cartel, the Organisation of Petrol Exporting countries (OPEC), raised its forecast for rival oil-supply growth by 160,000 barrels

The economic and military balance of world power could be altered as China rushes to develop artificial intelligence technology, a US

Essam al-Marzouk,Kuwait’s Oil Minister said OPEC and its partners may not need to extend the November 2016 crude oil production cut

Taxing the rich has become a political hot potato ahead of Norway’s election next month. On Tuesday, according to Bloomberg, the

The African Development Bank (AfDB) and The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have said that Africa’s